Dr. Fabrícia Roos-Frantz
- Enterprise Application Integration
- Supporting language and tools to design and run integration solutions
- Runtime System efficiency
- Data Mining
- Data Science
- Simulation
• Simone Elizabeth Felix Frye (Start 08/2023 ↦ Current)
• Ricardo Luiz Casella Dugaich (Start 04/2023 ↦ Current)
• Dhileane de Andrade Rodrigues (Start 05/2022 ↦ Current)
• Radi Melo Martins (Start 06/2021 ↦ Current)
• Luis Adolfo Patiño Hernández (Start 03/2021 ↦ Current)
• Eldair Fabricio Dornelles (as joint supervisor) (Start 03/2020 ↦ Current)
• Alexsandro Queiroz Lencina (Start 03/2015 ↦ Current)
• Patricia Mariotto Mozzaquatro Chicon (Start 03/2018 ↦ End 12/2022)
• Ana Paula Brezolin (Start 03/2016 ↦ End 04/2020)
• Daniela Lopes Freire (as joint supervisor) (Start 03/2016 ↦ End 03/2020)
• Gabriel Uberti Vieira Messina (as joint supervisor) (Start 03/2021 ↦ End 03/2024)
• Alison Luis Sassi (as joint supervisor) (Start 03/2021 ↦ End 05/2023)
• Matheus Henrique Rehbein (as joint supervisor) (Start 03/2020 ↦ End 03/2022)
• Diogo Izequiel Rudell (Start 03/2019 ↦ End 07/2021)
• Laize Dariele de Lima Trindade (as joint supervisor) (Start 06/2018 ↦ End 04/2020)
• Alessandra Lucero Silva (Start 04/2018 ↦ End 04/2020)
• Sandra B. Neuckamp (as joint supervisor) (Start 04/2017 ↦ End 05/2019)
• Eldair Fabricio Dornelles (Start 03/2016 ↦ End 02/2018)
• Franciéli Cristina Welter (as joint supervisor) (Start 07/2015 ↦ End 08/2017)
• Alexsandro Queiroz Lencina (Start 03/2015 ↦ End 04/2017)
• Leandro Fritzen Klem (Start 03/2015 ↦ End 06/2018)
• Francisco da Silveira (as joint supervisor) (Start 03/2015 ↦ End 06/2017)
• Roberto Saulo Cargnin (Start 07/2014 ↦ End 08/2016)
• Arléte Kelm Wiesner (as joint supervisor) (Start 07/2014 ↦ End 08/2016)
• Mauri José Klein (as joint supervisor) (Start 06/2013 ↦ End 03/2015)
• Igor Gamste Haugg (as joint supervisor) (Start 03/2013 ↦ End 03/2018)
• Luis Gustavo Tabile (Start 08/2019 ↦ End 02/2021)
• José Eduardo Mattioni (Start 07/2018 ↦ End 07/2019)
• Leandro Perius Heck (Start 07/2017 ↦ End 08/2018)
• Daniel Buchholz (Start 07/2017 ↦ End 08/2018)
• Thainan Henrique Feistel (Start 08/2015 ↦ End 11/2017)
• Edinaldo Gaspar da Silva (Start 03/2014 ↦ End 03/2016)
• Cristiano Politowski (Start 03/2013 ↦ End 03/2014)
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Call: TEC4B 08/2023
Amount: 1,000,000.00 Reais
Start: 01/01/2024
End: 31/12/2025
The focus of this project is to establish a Living Lab in the Northwest region and Missions, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with the goal of promoting technological innovation in agribusiness. We aim to develop an integrated infrastructure of hardware and software that combines soil data, real-time climate data, and aerial images to optimize grain production while minimizing the use of pesticides and fertilizers. This infrastructure involves the capture, transmission, storage, analysis, and processing of data for agricultural planting areas, assisting cooperatives, producers, and companies in the sector in decision-making. The infrastructure comprises six distinct environments: Experimental Agro, Design Agro, IA Agro, Front Agro, Storage Agro, and Collab Agro. This project is carried out in partnership with the Municipality of Santa Rosa, RS, and the agricultural sector company COTRIROSA. The initiative aims not only to enhance agricultural productivity but also to educate and raise awareness in the region regarding the potential of technology for making more assertive and sustainable decisions in the agricultural sector.
- Dr. Sandro Sawicki (Coordinator)
Unijuí University - Dr. Rafael Z. Frantz
Unijuí University - Dr. Fabrícia Roos-Frantz
Unijuí University - Dr. Gerson Battisti
Unijuí University - Dr. Luiz Antonio Rasia
Unijuí University - Dr. Taciana Paula Enderle
Unijuí University
Call: CNPq/MCTI Nº 10/2023 - Faixa B - Grupos Consolidados
Grant: 402915/2023-2
Amount: 274,505.00 Reais
Start: 05/12/2023
End: 31/12/2026
A smart city can be regarded as a rich ecosystem of smart services (eg, health, transport, shopping, etc.) offered by its government and private sector to citizens and each other. These services are offered electronically and therefore produce and collect large amounts of data. Ideally, services should be able to share data with each other to add value to existing data, encourage innovation, create new business and in general ease the management of the smart city and foster its digital economy which is inherently data-centric. Unfortunately, this dream is far from being true in current cities that claim to be smart. These cities suffer from data sharing difficulties that result in data silos owned by data services that are reluctant to share their data. Their biggest concern is the lack of convincing technical and legal mechanisms that guarantee that the data recipients (data consumers) will not abuse the data, for example, re-sell or disseminate it. The ambition of this project is to develop experimental software technology to demonstrate that the data-sharing problem in smart cities can be addressed with the assistance of emerging decentralised and security technologies. We will focus on the development of software for application integrations that consume data from different sources. We will take innovative approaches to achieve our ambitions, we will: 1) adopt a decentralised model: we will depart from the currently dominant centralised model used for building the core services smart cities which, besides its simplicity, entangles data sharing and foster the emergence of monopolies. 2) incorporate data protection at processing time as a central requirement: we will explore the use of emerging software (e.g homomorphic encryption) and hardware techniques (e.g. ARM trustzone and ARM Morello Boards) for providing application integrations with trusted execution environments which will be responsible for guarding the provider’s data.
- Dr. Rafael Z. Frantz (Coordinator)
Unijuí University - Dr. Sandro Sawicki
Unijuí University - Dr. Vitor Manuel Basto Fernandes
University Institute of Lisbon - Dr. Rafael Corchuelo
University of Seville - Dr. Carlos Molina-Jiménez
University of Cambridge - Dr. Gerson Battisti
Unijuí University - Dr. Valdemar Vicente Graciano Neto
Federal University of Goiás - Dr. José Joaquín Bocanegra García
Universidad de los Andes - Dr. Fabrícia Roos-Frantz
Unijuí University - Dr. Antonia Maria Reina Quintero
University of Seville
- Dhileane de Andrade Rodrigues
- Luciana Machado Cardoso
- Regis Rodolfo Schuch
Call: TEC4B 04/2021
Amount: 1,057,322.00 Reais
Start: 01/01/2022
End: 31/12/2023
This project aims to establish a collaborative technological innovation ecosystem, focusing on Smart Cities and IoT, to promote the social and economic development of the Northwestern/Missions Macroregion in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This initiative includes the creation and implementation of a set of environments that enable partners within the innovation quadruple helix (Society, Business, Government, and University) to facilitate the development of innovative, scalable, and sustainable solutions that directly impact the macroregion. The Smart LiveLab comprises six environments: City LiveLab, Make Live Lab, Idea LiveLab, Storage LiveLab, Front LiveLab, and Collab LiveLab, to be deployed at Unijuí, Campus Santa Rosa, RS.
- Dr. Sandro Sawicki (Coordinator)
Unijuí University - Dr. Rafael Z. Frantz
Unijuí University - Dr. Fabrícia Roos-Frantz
Unijuí University - Dr. Gerson Battisti
Unijuí University - Dr. Luiz Antonio Rasia
Unijuí University - Dr. Taciana Paula Enderle
Unijuí University
Grant: 403509/2019-0 and 19/2551-0002126-7
Amount: 11,845.60 Reais
Start: 01/01/2020
End: 10/05/2020
The Microelectronics School and the South Symposiun on Microelectronics are events supported by the Brazilian Computing Society – SBC, and by the Brazilian Society of Microelectronics - SBMicro, IEEE CAS Rio Grande do Sul Chapter, and IEEE CEDA (Council on EDA) in the Southern Region. The main goals of these events are: a) Promote the diffusion of knowledge on design of electronic and computational systems in integrated circuits, considering that this knowledge is strategic for the mastery of the design process of electronic systems; b) Allow that students and engineering professionals to have contact with cutting-edge microelectronics research topics currently in vogue at Brazil and abroad; c) Integrate the microelectronics community, providing the dissemination of the main academic activities developed by universities and the dissemination of the state of the art; d) To provide a discussion forum on human resources training in the area, necessary for the development of the electronic goods and services industry in the country; e) Propose a discussion forum and / or public policy proposals for the development of microelectronics in the South and in Brazil.
- Dr. Sandro Sawicki (Coordinator)
Unijuí University - Dr. Rafael Z. Frantz
Unijuí University - Dr. Fabrícia Roos-Frantz
Unijuí University
Call: 05/2019 Programa Pesquisador Gaúcho - PqG
Grant: 19/2551-0001782-0
Amount: 25,000.00 Reais
Start: 29/11/2019
End: 30/11/2022
In recent years, the field of study known as Enterprise Application Integration has played an important role in providing methodologies, techniques and tools for companies to develop integration solutions, aiming to reuse their applications and support the new demands that arise with the evolution of your business processes. Today, companies rely on integration platforms to design, implement, test, run and monitor integration solutions. Usually, these integration platforms provide a domain-specific language, a development toolkit, a testing environment, a monitoring tool, and an execution engine. The analysis of an integration solution, in order to predict its behavior and find possible performance problems, is an important activity that contributes to improving the quality of solutions developed by software engineers. The approach commonly used by engineers for this analysis is often costly, risky, and time-consuming, as it requires implementing the integration solution, running it, and collecting data from that execution. Therefore, it is necessary a new approach that allows evaluating if a solution is logically correct, as well as evaluating the performance of parameters that can make its execution difficult, from formal models, without having to implement them. This would help to reduce the cost, risk and time involved in the process of building an integration solution. To facilitate formal analysis based on proven theory and supported by software tools, it is convenient to consider and model Entreprise Application Integration solutions as a workflow. This workflow is responsible for executing a set of tasks, which consume and produce data until the final tasks of the flow are executed. The data consumed by the tasks is obtained from various sources, owned and controlled by one or several companies that wish to participate in the workflow, but only under certain pre-established conditions. Likewise, the data produced by the workflow is made available under conditions agreed by the interested companies. For example, a workflow owner and a data source owner can agree that the latter is responsible for making the data available 24/7 to the workflow and updating it on Sundays before midnight. Also, to avoid overhead, they can agree that the workflow is allowed to make a maximum of 100 requests to the data source API per week. The advantage of using workflow models is that they can be rigorously analyzed, allowing designers to discover possible logical errors in the design of an integration solution, as well as performance issues. This project aims to formally model integration solutions as a workflow and from these models, explore the use of smart contracts and blockchain as a way to improve the system for monitoring the execution of an integration solution. As a result, it is intended to create monitoring mechanisms to ensure that the agreements involved in the solution are honored and that possible breaches of contracts are detected and flagged, at runtime.
- Dr. Fabrícia Roos-Frantz (Coordinator)
Unijuí University - Dr. Rafael Z. Frantz
Unijuí University - Dr. Sandro Sawicki
Unijuí University - Dr. Fábio Paulo Basso
Federal University of Pampa - Dr. Carlos Molina-Jiménez
University of Cambridge
- Fernando Parahyba
- Alexsandro Queiroz Lencina
- Eldair Fabricio Dornelles
Call: 02/2017 Programa Pesquisador Gaúcho - PqG
Grant: 17/2551-0001206-2
Amount: 25,790.54 Reais
Start: 01/04/2018
End: 31/05/2021
The field of study known as Enterprise Application Integration has played an important role in providing methodologies, techniques and tools for companies to develop integration solutions to reuse their applications and support the new demands that arise as their business evolve. Integration platforms are specialised software tools that provide support for designing, implementing, testing, executing, and monitoring integration solutions. Cloud computing is another field of research that has caught the attention of the scientific community and represents a new paradigm for software development, commercialization, and use. Essentially, this service-oriented paradigm allows companies to dramatically reduce their IT infrastructure costs without sacrificing the quality of computer support provided to their business processes. The quality of service that an integration solution can deliver is directly related to the runtime systems of the integration platform, since it is responsible for executing the solutions. Typically, to achieve the desired quality of service with an integration solution, software engineers have increased computing resources on the server machine where the integration platform is installed within the enterprise. This approach harnesses the performance of an integration solution due to the increased financial costs required to augment current hardware or by purchasing a new server with higher processing capacity. Hiring cloud virtual machines to host the integration platforms allows for a reduction in the total cost of ownership for EAI, as well as through cloud elasticity, a greater flexibility for increasing computing resources when required. The migration of integration platforms to cloud virtual machines has given rise to a new service model that has been termed by the EAI community as Integration Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS). Our assumption in this project is that these iPaaS platforms consist of the same platforms designed and implemented for use on enterprise server machines, but encapsulated with a web interface and some new adapters for connecting cloud applications or cloud services. Thus, its execution engines need to be adapted to the context of cloud computing. This research project aims to explore the use of cloud computing in the area of application integration and seeks to develop an execution engine model for integration platforms available as iPaaS services, suited to the cloud computing paradigm and more efficient than those found today in the technical and scientific literature of the area.
- Dr. Rafael Z. Frantz (Coordinator)
Unijuí University - Dr. Sandro Sawicki
Unijuí University - Dr. Fabrícia Roos-Frantz
Unijuí University - Dr. Inmaculada Hernández Salmerón
University of Seville - Dr. Rafael Corchuelo
University of Seville - Dr. Vitor Manuel Basto Fernandes
University Institute of Lisbon
- Angela Mazzonetto
- Rafael da Costa Soares
- Daniela Lopes Freire
- Maira Simoni Brigo
Grant: 10/0216-7
Amount: 7,000.00 Reais
Start: 01/01/2010
End: 31/12/2011
This project aims to implement a design flow to reduce the number of vertical interconnects (TSV or 3D-vias) in 3D VLSI circuits using Bulk and SOI technologies. We seek to minimize the area of a 3D VLSI circuit and analyze the impact on the area when applied to different manufacturing technologies. The effects generated by reduction help the insertion of thermal vias, as well as reducing the total size of the connections (which directly affects the timing of the circuit). Initially, the emphasis will be on random logic blocks (cell level) with small granularity, being possible to extend to larger granularities, such as IP level.
- Dr. Sandro Sawicki (Coordinator)
Unijuí University