Draft rzfrantz | GCA

Dhileane de Andrade Rodrigues

PhD Student
Research: Research of the use of trusted execution environments (Intel SGX, ARM trust zone, AMD secure memory encryption and ARM cheri-capabilities included on the Morello Board prototype) as an alternative to traditional centralised trusted third parties.
Advisor: Dr. Fabrícia Roos-Frantz
Capes Taxa Scholarship
Join Date: 05/2022

Work Description:
I’m investigating the use of trusted execution environments to simplify the implementation of distributed systems applications that demand components that can be trusted by all participants. Traditionally due to the absence of technology, the problem has been addressed with the inclusion of Trusted Third Parties (TTP) which are known to introduce undesirable side effects. I believe that the emergence of devices that include hardware technologies for creating trusted execution environments, opens the possibility of implementing solutions without the traditional centralised TTPs. Current, state-of-the art examples of these technologies are Intel SGX, ARM trust zone, AMD secure memory encryption and ARM cheri-capabilities included on the Morello Board prototype released in 2022 for experimental purposes (https://www.arm.com/architecture/cpu/morello).